Child-Friendly Sotkamo
The municipality of Sotkamo was selected in 2021 as the first in Kainuu to participate in UNICEF’s Child Friendly Municipality initiative. UNICEF’s Child Friendly Municipality model assists municipalities in making decisions that promote the well-being of children in everyday services and municipal governance. Child-friendliness is indeed one of Sotkamo’s values.
Through development efforts, the municipality of Sotkamo aims to strengthen and focus particularly on the following aspects: enhancing the participation of children and youth, identifying challenges in the well-being of children and youth, intensifying collaboration networks, supporting recreational activities, and incorporating the assessment of child impacts into municipal decision-making.
The action plan for the Child Friendly Municipality model in Sotkamo is based on a current state assessment conducted in 2021. The action plan includes the objectives and measures for the development work on Child Friendly Municipality, as well as communication and orientation plans.
Sotkamo municipality has the opportunity to receive recognition from UNICEF for its successful efforts in promoting child-friendliness.
Principal, Child Friendly Municipality Coordinator